ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological condition that affects ones ability to focus, initiate, or complete tasks. ADHD could also manifest as difficulties with impulse control and following instructions. ADHD usually begins in childhood and sometimes continues into adulthood.
What are the symptoms of adhd?
Distractability, inattention, impulsivity, and sometimes hyperactivity are common signs of ADHD. You may notice a child struggling in school and grades that don’t match their capabilities.
Suspect ADHD if you notice:
Trouble with organization
Fidgeting or squirming
Inability to follow instructions
Behavioral changes in school or home
Avoidance of certain tasks that require focus and sustained attention
Interruption of others when they’re talking
How is adhd diagnosed?
If Dr. Padron suspects ADHD, she’ll perform a thorough health history and a comprehensive psychological exam. She will also interview parents in order to gain more information about behaviors or symptoms displayed at home. It’s likely that a standard questionnaire will be given to parents, caregivers, and teachers. Dr. Padron rules out other disorders that may impact attention (e.g. mood disorders) before a diagnosis of ADHD is made.
Dr. Padron also offers psychoeducational testing if needed for school or college accommodations. Psychoeducational testing assesses for disorders and specific weaknesses that can impact academic functioning. In some cases, distractibility or hyperactivity in school can be a sign of a child being under-challenged in school. In these cases, Dr. Padron may recommend gifted testing.
What is the treatment for adhd?
Cognitive behavioral therapies can help decrease impulsivity and improve attention. Parent training is also commonly used as a supplement in ADHD treatment in order for parents to learn skills to reinforce desirable behaviors, while supporting their children in decreasing maladaptive behaviors. Dr. Padron creates a customized treatment plan to boost confidence, academic functioning and cognitive abilities to help people with ADD/ADHD do their very best in life.
Dr. Padron can provide referrals for psychiatrists on staff that can help prescribe appropriate medications, if necessary.
If attention-related issues are interfering with your functioning, please contact Dr. Padron for a free 15-minute consultation.