lgbtq+ sUPPORT
Individuals within the LGBTQ+ community are twice as likely to experience mental health issues than the rest of the population. The social context in which LGBTQ+ individuals live in may force many to feel unsafe being themselves, which also contributes to heightened levels of anxiety, depression, and even suicidal ideation.
What kind of support can lgbtq+ individuals benefit from?
The LGBTQ+ community unfortunately faces rejection, bullying, shame, guilt stigma, and outright discrimination. Therapy can help individuals with self-acceptance, empowerment, and confidence. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is utilized to help those on the sexuality spectrum with stress management, social enrichment, improving self-esteem, and strategies to challenge negative self-talk. Dr. Padron has extensive experience working with the LGBTQ+ population; her dissertation also focused on how gender identity, conformity to gender norms, and overall well-being were correlated!
In addition, those that are currently undergoing gender affirmation treatment via hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may experience an increase in mood disturbances such as anxiety nor depression. Therapy is often recommended as a supplement to HRT in order to provide trans individuals with the appropriate support and resources. Dr. Padron emphasizes a gender-affirming approach to treatment. Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Padron if you were to have any questions regarding how treatment can possibly benefit you.